Photos are extremely important. Landscape mode, as opposed to Portrait photos, look best on MLS and real estate partner sites. Please note the number of allowable photos is subject to change.
Massachusetts (MLSPIN)
Photo Allowance: up to 30 photos per listing.
Photo File Size: n/a
New Hampshire (NEREN)
Photo Allowance: up to 40 photos per listing.
Photo File Size: maximum resolution is 1280 x 960. If a photo is under the 125K limit but has a resolution of image size larger than 1280 x 960, compression will occur. If a photo is over 125K in file size, the image will be compressed to 125K. Note: this could result in a reduction in quality. For users who upload photos larger than the 125K limit, it is recommended that the images do not exceed 20MB in file size.
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